
Friday, 26 May 2017

Frugal Friday

Getting close to the end of the month and with two birthdays next week I have to be very careful to get the food budget to stretch to a few treats, I have precisely 3p left ! So we have done lots of frugal making food from scratch this week !

The big thing this week was requesting a tax refund of over £1000 and I am looking forward to using the money to pay course fees next year. I also downloaded several Kindle books for free and sold some books and CD s to Ziffit to fund MasterShoestring's skills project for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

We made soup, bread, French bread, muffins, yoghurt and ate salad from the garden every day. We sold a book on Amazon and that funded MrShoestring's birthday present to me giving a profit of 60p. I love it when we can get something we want for nothing ! The book we sold was posted using stamps from the Royal Mail survey so that did not cost anything either.

I bought another new cookbook on saving money and eating well using a Swagbucks voucher and then joined Amazon Prime for a month to get the free shipping. I have already cancelled the membership but can use the benefits for a month so shall be investigating the free library of books and films.

A fun thing this week was using the Nielsen scanner to scan all the items in my £11.80 shop from Aldi, having to scan all the items made me really aware of everything I had bought and whether we really needed it. I can imagine that participating in the survey might save us money as I'm only going to want to scan what we really need !

It was Ascension Day yesterday but we were all working so no time to go up a hill and contemplate the beauty of the natural world. We are looking forward to a lovely free outing at the weekend instead !

Have a fantastic, frugal Bank Holiday weekend !


  1. Sounds like a very productive week, enjoy the bank holiday.

  2. You too ! The weather looks like it will co-operate !

  3. This month I have limited myself to £100 for fresh food whilst I make a big effort to use up what we already have in the freezer and cupboards. I'm really pleased with how it's gone and am planning to do the same in June. By July I will need to stock up but hope that I will have learned from the exercise!

  4. Yes, stocktaking is a big help. I'm planning to use up a few things in June too !
