
Thursday, 6 July 2017

Everyday Adventures

Tammy over at Rowdy Kittens has a suggestion list of 31 tiny adventures to take in the month of July and since I got her journal as a birthday gift I thought that I would join in and keep a record of what I did in the journal. All my adventures so far have cost nothing and although I have taken a picture for each one, as she suggests, I have also gone a bit further to help them seem more like adventures !

The first thing I did was vary my morning routine and have my tea out of a cup rather than a mug, I also experimented with different breakfasts, very handy if you have just been making jam and have lots of half filled jars of jam to finish up.

Gathering all the tools for these little adventures, such as my pocket camera and the journal made me realise that I should do some more de-cluttering, so that has become an everyday adventure in itself and so far I have taken two bags of books to the charity shop.

Unplugging from the computer is easy at this time of year as there is so much to do in the garden, but this little prompt did make me go and pick the gooseberries, a job I had been putting off for several days as I hate the thorns. I was well rewarded with nearly 5lbs of fruit and a lessening of that guilty feeling that I was allowing things to go to waste !

Looking around for vibrant colours was easy and we have really been enjoying our two new wildflower areas with their bright poppies and cornflowers. Then today's suggestion is to play something, so I am going to make further progress with my new year's resolution to practise the piano and violin regularly. I really enjoy playing, but so often put music making to the bottom of the list, so I'm looking forward to getting some favourite music out later in the day !

All of these tiny adventures are helping me to realise that I already have so much and that is priceless !


  1. What a lovely idea, "tiny adventures" ... I could emulate your first adventure by having my tea (in my case, early morning coffee) out of a mug! We use cups and saucers more than mugs as we prefer to have the smaller amount of liquid to consume at any one time; the feel of a cup and saucer in china rather than a pottery mug; and we don't have to search for a coaster to prevent a mug leaving a 'ring' on a table. Cups and saucers are really very practical and should appeal more than they do.
    I look forward to hearing more of your tiny adventures?
    Margaret P

    1. That is a very good point about not looking for a coaster for the mug ! I'll have to get the cups and saucers out more often.

  2. I love the idea of small adventures, and would love a simple cup of tea but for lack of a kitchen at the moment...I've never had gooseberries, what are they like? Happy adventures to you!

  3. I hope that you get access to a kitchen soon and gooseberries taste a bit like rhubarb which is called pie plant in the USA ! Happy adventures to you too !

  4. I love using a cup and saucer, I have picked up some lovely vintage china for only a few pounds.

    1. Yay! Another cup-and-saucer user. We must form a cup-and-saucer users club, te-he!
      Margaret P

    2. That sounds like a good idea ! I know that one blog I follow hosts a cup and saucer exchange every year, they seem very popular in the USA.

    3. Yes I heard about that, I would like to have done it but its the postal costs, a UK one would be a great idea.
