
Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Saving Money with Children

Each of our children had a piggy bank to save their money in for holidays and things they really wanted. We provide the basics but anything extra had to come from them. They all had very different personalities, with some being more spendthrift than others, but as they grew older I think all of them have understood the importance of saving up for things and that you can't always have everything that you want.

One of our biggest savings as they were growing up was getting clothes has 'hand me downs' or at the jumble sale. This left enough money for school shoes that fitted well and would last a couple of terms at least. We also bought books and toys second-hand as they could either be passed on once they were outgrown or passed on quicker if they were not liked. That way we could provide a good variety of things without it costing a fortune. Membership at the library was also a good investment.

We did have parties for birthdays, Halloween etc. when the oldest two were found but stopped quickly when they began to become huge, overblown affairs where the adults stayed as well. Instead we had a nice meal at home and invited school friends over at another time for tea.

We always had a rule that you could do one paid activity outside of school but not more than that as it would be too expensive. If it was free, like music lessons in school, that could be added but not otherwise !

We paid for life skill lessons such as swimming and driving but if you wanted to try being a life guard or to have a car of your own you had to pay for it !

These rules have lasted over the 30 years we have had children and I can recommend them for the next generation too !

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