
Thursday, 23 August 2018

End of Summer List

With the Bank Holiday approaching it's time to think about all the things you promised you would do over the Summer and have yet to get around to, like having a paddle perhaps ? The sea is warmer at the end of the Summer than at the start so now is the time to take the plunge !

Our list is fill of practical things we need to do before school starts again, big jobs like wood splitting and mending leaks in the porch and utility room. Also smaller jobs such as sorting out the freezer and cleaning the carpets.

I was pleased to knock off two jobs yesterday, completing some assignments for my course and altering one that had been returned for some changes. One less thing to do before studying gears up again !

MrShoestring went into school to sort Science equipment and the GCSE results are published today, so the new school year is about to start again, what do you need to do to get prepared ?

We also need to re-jig the budget as the gas direct debit has gone up and I was unable to find a cheaper supplier, so we are stuck with the increase.  Several companies are raising their prices above inflation and ours is one of them. We are going to be paying over £13 a month more as although we are more than £170 in credit with them they don't think this is enough of a credit for the approaching Winter months ! Sometimes I do wonder about just going back to paying a quarterly bill but you get a discount for monthly direct debit, so I guess I'm still saving money !

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