
Tuesday 5 June 2018

Batch Cooking

We are pretty busy for the next few weeks as in addition to all the other things, such as exams and my course, MrShoestring is working full time in London, so no time to see to the odd household chore, such as cooking ! So yesterday I did a lot of batch cooking to make sure that we have something for supper and snacks all the way to Thursday.

I made slow cooker curry and chapattis, a big salad, some bulgur wheat, salsa, refried beans, a big pan of gabriel potatoes, a crumble, some muffins, rolls, felafels and a loaf of bread. Phew ! That should keep us going without having to wait to eat when we get in late.

One problem I have had recently is loaves of bread going mouldy before we can eat them up, so I've resolved that this Summer we're going back to what I used to do in the USA, which was kept the bread wrapped up in the fridge. I don't normally do this as it can go hard quickly, but I'm going to try it to see how it works out, as I've already thrown away 2 almost complete loaves this month !

Do you have any bread keeping tricks ?


  1. We've had the same problem recently with our homemade bread. So what I do now is slice the whole loaf as soon as it's cool, then cling wrap it in 4 slice packs and freeze.

  2. Its been the same here bread has been going mouldy quick, the bread bin feels warm when I lift the lid, so I am thinking in the warmer weather it is probably best to keep it out of the bread bin.

  3. We freeze all our bread which s the best solution for us to it going mouldy. Catriona

  4. Thank you so much for all the tips ! I can imagine doing the 4 slice pack trick and it was good to hear that other people are having the same problem. I wonder if it is worse because the bin is metal ? Freezing certainly seems to be the way to go !
