
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Woolton Pie

This week in cookery lessons Master Shoestring had to prepare a dish containing potatoes, carrots, parsley and courgette. He was not allowed to repeat any of the ideas in the lessons so far and so came up with the plan to cook a Woolton Pie. The recipe for this pie comes from World War 11 and was designed to be hefty fare for days when there was not much of the ration left. Here's the recipe.

Woolton Pie

1lb of mixed vegetable to include potatoes if you are not planning to use potato pastry
A handful of oats
A little vegetable extract
An onion

Dice and cook the vegetables in salted water. When done, strain and keep 3/4 pint of the vegetable water. Add a little vegetable extract and a handful (1oz) of oats to the water and cook until thickened. Arrange the vegetables in a pie dish and pour thickened sauce over them. Dice the onion and scatter over the cooked vegetables. Top with potato pastry or mashed potatoes. Serve with gravy and young spring vegetables.

Master Shoestring substituted red lentils for the oats as he is allergic to them and used the parsley, courgette and carrots as part of the 1lb of vegetables. He topped his pie with mashed potato but if you fancy Potato Pastry here is the recipe.

Potato Pastry

8 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons mashed potato, 2oz any fat

Blend the flour and potato together, soften the fat slightly and blend with the flour and potato mixture. You usually do not have to add water. Roll out thinly on a floured board and use to top your pie !

Have you any old recipes you have tried ?

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