
Sunday 22 January 2017

Pause for Reflection

I have really been enjoying thinking about wider values in these few Sunday posts and thought that I should say something about honesty today.

Every frugal journey depends on honesty, you have to admit to yourself where you are now, possibly in debt, not telling your partner what that item of clothing really cost and feeling overwhelmed ? It also means admitting where you would like to go, off the consumer merry-go-round, with time to listen to people and help them out. Then you have to honestly admit what it will take to get to that place, a bit of sacrifice maybe ? 

I have found writing down the numbers really helpful and calculating the overall spend more frequently thank usual has also helped me to see that having made choices in some areas you then have to curtail choices in others. It has also meant feeling contentment and gratitude with what we have already got !

This little poem shows the honesty we can see in nature and reminds us that the flowers of the fields don't have the worries we have, the lilies of the field do not toil or spin !

Flowers, We…
The faithful wife of poets
The call girls of beetles
The adopted children of gardeners
Sometimes we are used in celebrations
And in the event of homage, given too
Sometimes we commence love affairs
And travel on the bouquet of brides
Sometime as demand dowry in temples
And to glorify the cheeks of Gods
And politicians too
What else..?
We are 'Honest' to pristine
And so we die
on the same day of our birth 
A.P. Bharathi

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